I had almost grown used to his presence, much to my horror. Him being there doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Hell, sometimes I even amuse myself by trying to hold a conversation with him.
"Your suit is nice, where'd you get it?"
"Yeah, I agree, finding big and tall stores are hard these days."
"You're no fun."
It was the same everyday, he would show up and "stare" at me for anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes and then leave for an hour or two. I honestly had no clue why, either. He didn't seem angry, he didn't seem to have any purpose in what he did, other than maybe to intimidate me. But didn't he have his proxies for that? Why show up himself?
Alice for some reason, doesn't seem to notice him, no one else either. Had Skye not saw him the other day I would have thought I was going mad. Not that it matters. I have no delusions at this point. I realize my time is coming to an end. So where is the fear, then? Where is the anger? The thoughts of just how "unfair" this all was. Why me? Where was all of that? No, I only felt empty.
At the end of my path, the realization strikes me that I've done nothing. Nothing whatsoever. At the end of my path, all I have left is regret. Regret for more reason than one.